Equity Funding
Equity Funding
Are you browsing through different financial institution’s websites? Are you finding places and platforms on the internet who can help you provide large capital to jump start your business?
And I guess you’re thinking what is this Equity Funding that everyone is talking about? And how is this concept or technique going to help me.
In the most complicated way, Equity Funding is defined as, “Equity Financing is the process of raising capital through sale of shares. It occurs when a business gives up a percentage of its ownership to an investor (or investors) in exchange for capital.”
Now when you read this, you might have to take a second or two before understanding the meaning. Let me break it down to you. Equity Funding boosts or increases your capital when you sell off your company’s shares to the investors or to people who are interested in investing in you.
Investors put their faith in the company to grow and expand. This type of funding can truly do wonders for your company. Even though you might have understood the concept, the question still stands. How am I going to find investors now?
And how is Nova Scotia going to help me? So here goes our introduction; Nova Scotia is a private financial firm where we gather the best professionals to help you with everything you need related to equity funding.
From connecting you to foreign investors to legally guide you through the process of raising capital. We build a family based on trust and faith and we hope that you give us a chance to build a relationship with you.
We know it’s quite hard to believe that a company wants you to succeed but we believe in rising and growing together. Whether you are an existing business or a startup, we don’t discriminate. We give our best to any company that comes to us for help.
So maybe it is time that instead of doing it all alone, you let us help you provide the means and tools of creating your business unto a brand.
Nova Scotia is always ready for any queries that might boggle your mind, so walk in through that door and you’ll see a team awaiting your orders.
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