Marine Loan

Marine Loan

You ever see huge packages coming in via the ships or yachts or power boats and when you check the shipment, it’s either damaged or lost. Now there is always an uncertainty that arises when shipments are taken across seas via these vessels.  

And for particularly such crises, the Marine Loan was introduced. It was to not only safeguard the shipment but also to reduce the financial burden on the exporters and importers. These shipments while in transit need a lot of finance and capital so that the package delivery is made on time. 

You might require money for the ship’s maintenance, the insurance of the ship or the package insurance and everything in this trade demands loads and loads of capital. Hence this Marine loan also lessens the stress and added pressure that these traders face.

Nova Scotia acknowledges the struggle that they go through and hence our facility for this loan will be quick, simple and at low cost. We provide a range of financial services for various marine vessels. 

Providing you with flexible terms and conditions, quick processing of your documentation and a dedicated relationship manager to advise and guide you through the process are some of the benefits that Nova Scotia provides. So pick up the phone and contact us so that we can engineer the perfect solution to suit your requirements.

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